Operations Headquarters
Sans Souci , Castries
P. O. Box CP5951
Castries, LC04 301
Saint Lucia, West Indies
Our Airport based Aeromedical and Operations Communication Center:
Website: https://naocc.aeromedcentral.org/

758.461HELP (4357)

Our Lead Personnel

Sheryline Joseph, MD

Richard Beck, Int. EMS Associate

Micolette Gabriel, MD

Craig Herman, EMS Edu. AEMT

Rachel Kai, MD

Paula Martinez , PA
Our Practice
Prehospital Emergency Medical Services is defined as emergency assistance medical or otherwise needed in an emergency before arriving at an emergency medical facility to recieve the definitive care and assitance required.
This area of practice is often primarily provided by Emergency Medical Service agenices, staffed by Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), Emergency Medcial Technicians, Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, Medevac Technicians, Comminucations Specialists, Aeromedical Flight Coordinators.
Our practice is seeking to bring to you an innovative and time sensitive service with a view of improved standards, efficiency, service reliabilty, customer,client or subscriber oriented service delivery.
We pride oursleves on professionalism and client centered relationships in the delivery of service requests. We are proud to be a Saint Lucian based, and operated service with international networking service towards the delivery of our international standard service to you.
Latest Service News:
International Standard Service soon to be introduced to Saint Lucia
Jul 2, 2016
Coming Soon to a location near you
ESAS Emergency Alert Notification Service
July 2, 2016
Coming soon to a location near you..
Aeromedical Flight EScort & Coordiantion Service
July 2, 2016
Although already in existence will be formally introduced to a location near you